In This Issue
Tennessee College of Applied Technology Knoxville Helps Meet Industry Needs With Heavy Equipment Operator Training, Cat® Simulators Demand for Heavy Equipment Operator Infographic, Cat Simulators Systems and SimScholars™ Curriculum Play Key Roles in Georgia’s New Heavy Equipment Operator Training Program’s Success, Introducing SimScholars New Team Member – Nick Utech, Curriculum Writer
Tennessee College of Applied Technology Knoxville Helps Meet Industry Needs With Heavy Equipment Operator Program
When local construction industry leaders reached out for help in developing a heavy equipment operator (HEO) training program, Tennessee College of Applied Technology – Knoxville (TCAT) launched its HEO program. Students can now learn how to operate the Articulated Truck, Hydraulic Excavator and Dozer on the college’s three Cat® Simulators systems. Read more about TCAT Knoxville’s HEO program.
Cat® Simulators Demand for Heavy Equipment Operators Free Infographic
More than 457,000 heavy equipment operator positions will be added in the U.S. between now and 2031 according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Proper training on Cat® Simulators systems can help keep up with this increased demand. Download our free infographic to find out which regions and states have the most demand.
Contact us to find out how you can integrate Cat Simulators systems into your training program.
Cat® Simulators Systems and SimScholars™ Curriculum Play Key Roles in Georgia’s New Heavy Equipment Operator Training Program’s Success
Cat® Simulators systems along with SimScholars™ heavy equipment operator (HEO) curriculum are playing key roles in the state of Georgia’s newly launched HEO simulator training program. Read more.
Contact us to learn how you can set up your own state construction pathway program.
Introducing SimScholars™ New Team Member - Nick Utech, Curriculum Writer
The SimScholars team has a new team member, Nick Utech. Nick’s passion for technology along with his love of teaching make him a perfect fit as a SimScholars curriculum writer. Nick joins the team in continuing to develop our turnkey, customizable curriculums, SimScholars™, which are now available for all of our construction, mining and forestry models!
From beginning to end, the curriculums provide instructors with a course overview, exercise objectives, learning outcomes, lesson plans, step-by-step procedures, checklists/schedules, maps, student management tools, quizzes and pre-tests for as many students enrolled in your program. Read more in this month’s Simformotion Spotlight!
Contact an Account Manager for a demo.